Training Center

Active LearningTwo-way and Group Discussions,
Active involvement of the Participants in the CourseHands-on Activities and Case Studies ExplorationReal-world Case Studies, Hands-on Activities and other Tools to Increase the Learning EffectivenessReliability Subjects Training CoursesYou will learn what you really need to be a reliability SpecialistMachinery LubricationTraining Courses and Certification Exams Based on ISO StandardsExpert TrainersHighly Certified, Knowledgeable and Experienced Instructors.

Vibe Lube Training Center:

Welcome to VibeLube Training Center Page. Here you can find information about VibeLube’s Certification Training courses (seminars). Seminars are in the form of public courses scheduling during the year (see the calendar page). Additionally we promote private or in-house training courses in place of companies for their staff. 

Public Classes are being held in high quality facility close to public transit, Hotels and other amenities. All attendees will receive course materials such as  presentation slides, hand-outs, and work books, Ruller, calculator and promotional materials accompanied by certificate of attendance. Refreshments and lunch are also provided.

Our certification courses instructors are high-level certified in the field with Engineering degree and have substantial knowledge and experience not only in industry but also in technical training and presentation. We are confident that if our training is not the best but is one of the best. This comes from surveys we conduct at the end of classes. Take this opportunity and get practical knowledge to promote your job and work quality in your plant. For those seeking job, VibeLube Training courses provide all tools and information to apply to job opportunities. We help you to get into a related job.

We provide training courses on:

Machinery Vibration Analysis

We provide vibration analysis training courses based on ISO 18436-2. These include VA CAT I & CAT II followed by  Certification exams from certification body ‘CMVA’.

for more information click on below links:

Vibration Analysis (CAT I)              Vibration Analysis (CAT II)

Machinery Lubrication Technician / Analyst

Based on ISO Standard and ICML Body of Knowledge, we provide MLT I & II training courses followed by ICML certification exams.

for more information click on below links:

Machinery Lubrication Technician (Level I)                        Machinery Lubrication Technician (Level II)      

Maintenance & Reliability

Developing and implementing condition-based maintenance program need knowledge and experience about different topics. VibeLube offers below technical courses:

  • Dynamic Balancing (1-day)
  • Rolling Bearings Maintenance (2-day)
  • Electromotor Lubrication (1/2-day)
  • Vibration Analysis for Managers (1/2-day)

Photo Gallery

Vib Course
training course 2
training course 1

Why VibeLube?
Know Your Instructors
Keep Learning
Public Courses
In-House Training
Why VibeLube?

At VibeLube we try to focus on real needs and provide application-oriented content for our courses. Each course is supported by comprehensive learning materials including real-world case studies. The course topics are presented in an interactive way to enhance the learning experience. Our courses are taught by highly experienced and motivated instructors that are certified in the highest available level with extensive hands on experience.

Know Your Instructors

Iraj (Roy) Zarieh is Director of VibeLube Inc. His experience spans more than three decades in various industrial sectors with senior engineering rolls in world class companies. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Level III Vibration Analysis Certification & Level
II Machinery Lubrication Certification. Roy has also successfully instructed more than 50 technical training courses (seminars) in Bearings Technology & Maintenance, Machinery Lubrication and Machinery Vibration Analysis.

Keep Learning

Learning is endless. Our instructors help you to learn a lot in the course while making a plan for further studies to get more knowledge on the desired topics. They are also interested in keeping posted on your progress and helping you if needed.

Public Courses

We organize public training courses that you can register in based on your suitable time and availability. Please follow below link to find out more about our courses calendar:

Training Courses Calendar

In-House Training

Bring our expertise to your plant. We also conduct all Training in your facility for your employees. More efficient and cost effective. Please contact VibeLube to get more info or a quote:

Contact Us